Our Current Savings Goal

Last week, I was at the Financial Blogger’s Conference.

The event had a huge expo hall with lots of innovative banking/investing companies.

One booth I stopped at was one for Simple Bank. They are doing some really cool things, including not allowing you to write a paper check from your account.

They also featured an artist who was drawing out your savings goal. It was pretty neat to sit and watch him sketch out the item in Photoshop.

Here’s what we are saving for:







2 responses to “Our Current Savings Goal”

  1. Alex Avatar

    > They are doing some really cool things, including not allowing you to write a paper check from your account

    Curious about this. Can’t you do that from a normal checking account by not ordering checks? I’m assuming there’s more to why it’s cool.

    1. Dustin Hartzler Avatar

      You can’t even order paper check to write against your account. Only way to send an ‘unsecured method of payment’ is to use their Online Bill Pay.

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